Presenting Sponsor $10,000
- Name and logo prominently placed on all event print materials as Presenting Sponsor*
- Premium, named table for ten at the event
- Verbal recognition from the stage
- Logo Recognition on Network Tacoma’s event website
- Name and logo recognition on event Power Point
Lead Sponsor $5,000
- Name and logo on all event print materials*
- Premium, named table for ten at the event
- Verbal recognition from the stage
- Logo recognition on Network Tacoma’s event website
- Name and logo recognition on event Power Point
Key Sponsor $2,500
- Name and logo on all event print materials*
- Premium, named table for ten at the event
- Verbal recognition from the stage
- Logo recognition on Network Tacoma’s event website
- Name recognition on event Power Point
Table Sponsor $1,500
- Named table for ten at the event
- Name recognition on Network Tacoma’s event web site
- Name recognition on event Power Point
Tax ID: 91-1483490
* Print deadlines may apply